Live Coverage of Apple’s iPhone 5 Event

By  |  Monday, October 3, 2011 at 12:06 pm

I’m not going to be at Apple’s iPhone event on Tuesday at 10am PT. (I’m in Tokyo attending CEATAC and participating in one of the keynote sessions.) But I will be tuning into Macword’s live coverage–and the Macworld folks were nice enough let me embed it on Technologizer at

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1 Comments For This Post

  1. Luis Ch. Says:

    wonderful,is marvelous ,amazing ,wondrous,magnificent,lead,
    engaging ,dandy ,rare ,is delightsome , dressy ,
    is a dreamy , is divine ,delighted ,is a knockout,
    blissful, is heavenly ,gorgeous, is stunning,is delightsome,
    dressy…what else I can say… I know you understand ,I am very happy with my iPhone !
    Thanks!! APPLE !