I’m Harry McCracken, founder and editor of Technologizer. My life’s work is helping people get more out of the technology in their lives, a job I’m very lucky to have.
I started this site in 2008. From February 2012-May 2014, I was an editor at large for TIME and Technologizer was part of TIME.com. Later that year, I joined Fast Company, where I’m global technology editor. For a long time after that, this site was essentially dormant. But I’ve been posting here occasionally in recent months and having fun doing it.
For almost fourteen happy years prior to embarking on the Technologizer adventure, I worked at PC World, where I wound up as editor in chief of both the magazine and the Web site.
Along the way I’ve received some honors:
2011: My article on Polaroid’s SX-70 won the best online article category in Min’s Editorial and Design Awards
2011: Technologizer won the best web article/consumer category in the Western Publications Association’s Maggie Awards, for my piece on the origins of the tech put-down “fanboy.”
2009: Kiplinger’s named me the best tech gadget guru
2009: TechRepublic named me the #1 techie to follow on Twitter
2008: I was named to the Folio: 40 list of media industry movers and shakers
2008: I received ABM’s Timothy White award for editorial integrity
2008: My Techlog columns received ABM’s Jesse H. Neal award for best editorial or signed column
2007: I was startled to find myself one of MIN’s 21 Most Intriguing People
2006: My blog on PCWorld.com received MIN’s Best of the Web award for best blog
Besides Fast Company, TIME, Technologizer, and PC World, I’ve written for Slate, Family Circle, FoxNews.com, USA Today, Discover, InfoWorld, a sadly defunct movie magazine called Cinefantastique, and other publications. Many years ago, I edited a magazine about cartoons called Animato. And I’ve talked tech on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, the BBC, and many other broadcast venues, and once collaborated with Dateline NBC on an investigation into PC repair.