Tag Archives | Nostalgia

Forty Years of Lunar Lander

Lunar Lander

Lunar Lander games abound on every platform. Along with Tetris and Pac-Man, the game–in which your mission is to safely maneuver your lunar module onto the moon’s surface–is one of the most widely cloned computer games of all time. But did you know that game players began touching down on the moon in Lunar Lander just months after Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin did so on July 20th, 1969?

lunarlander_tinyToday’s versions of Lunar Lander are easily taken for granted; they’re generally regarded as dinky games you can get for free–“Who would pay for that?”

But the mother of all realistic space simulations wasn’t always perceived that way. In 1969, it was, in its own way, a sophisticated, ambitious piece of digital entertainment. And during the BASIC era of the 1970s and 80s, many programmers cut their teeth by attempting to program their own version of Lunar Lander. David Ahl, founder of Creative Computing magazine, called it “by far and away the single most popular computer game” in 1978 (and he was only talking about the text version!). Indeed, Lunar Lander was one of the early computer games that helped define computer games.

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Resolved: Gadgets Are Incredibly Cheap

gizmodo79My pals at Gizmodo are conducting a fun week-long exercise in nostalgia in the form of Gizmodo ’79, a series of features about technology that’s thirty years old, and how it compares to tech circa 2009. One of the stories is Sean Fallon’s “Why You Can’t Complain About the Price of Today’s Gadgets,” which compares the price of gizmos from 1979 with current ones, taking inflation into account.

Boy, do we ever have it good today. I was a gadget hound and a PC user in 1979, but I was also fifteen years old and broke. So I mostly used stuff that belonged to other people (thanks, pop) and lusted after products I couldn’t afford, such as game consoles, VCRs, and, now that I think about it, color TV.

Reading Giz’s story reminded me that I would have had to do more lusting than buying even I’d been a grown-up with a decent amount of disposable income. An Apple II home computer with 48KB of RAM went for $2638. I’ve owned scads of computers in my life, but have never paid more than $2000 for one, but that II really cost $7770 in 2009 dollars.

If computers cost $7770 today, would I own one? Probably. But it’s not a given, and if I did plunk down that much money–possibly after having taken out a loan–I wouldn’t have anything left to spend on cell phones and fancy color printers and Wi-Fi routers and Slingboxes. It would be more like a car–a huge purchase that prevented you from being able to afford other stuff.

A world in which technology had advanced as much as it has since 1979, but prices had remained roughly constant would be one in which only really well-heeled folks would be able to enjoy all the gadgets that are in within the reach of those of us who are fortunate enough to be middle-class Americans. Remember that the next time you feel like griping about iPhone pricing or the cost of satellite radio

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The Amazing World of Version Numbers

The Amazing World of Version Numbers

In theory, software version numbers should be about as scintillating as as serial numbers, house numbers, channel numbers, or Vehicle Identification Numbers. You don’t get much more mundane than the practice of keeping track of a software package’s major and minor editions by assigning decimal numbers to them.

Except…version numbers long ago stopped being version numbers. Software companies started using them as marketing weapons. They tried varying methods of assigning identities to applications, such as naming them after years. They decided that numbers were too dry and substituted letters and words that were meant to be more evocative. I’m not embarrassed to admit I find ’em interesting enough to write this article.

I cheerfully admit to using the broadest possible definition of version number in this story–hey, I’m going to discuss names that don’t involve numbers at all. I know that developers still use more formal, traditional software versioning naming conventions behind the scenes. (Windows Vista, for instance, is officially version 6.0 of Windows; Technologizer is on version 20593, but don’t ask me to explain why.)

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RIP CompuServe, at Least Sort of

CompuServeFolks are noticing that CompuServe Classic–the most direct descendant of the online service that debuted in 1979–discontinued service at the end of last month. (As far as I know, Robert Anthony was the first blogger to pick up on this, and he has written an eloquent elegy.) The sort-of-recent CompuServe 2000 service is soldiering on, and CompuServe remains a cheapo ISP and low-rent Web portal. But if you ever had one of those weird and archaic numeric CompuServe IDs, it’s a sad moment–even though you, like me, probably thought that CompuServe Classic died eons ago.

(My CompuServe ID was 74352,1314–I think. I haven’t used it since 1998 or so, and was always more of a BIX man.)

It’s a pretty ignominious passing for a once mighty service, and it’s not even clear that everyone at CompuServe has noticed–its site still lets you download CompuServe Classic software that’s now apparently useless. After the jump, a few CompuServe ads that date from the era when it was a great big deal.

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The Laptop, Circa 1968

In 2009, portability is the default state of affairs with computers, since laptops outsell desktop PCs. But in the 1960s, the typical computer was a room-filling mainframe; minicomputers, which were merely the size of a refrigerator, were the small computers of the day.

Which didn’t mean that folks weren’t craving the concept of mobile computing even back then. I was just rummaging through Google’s invaluable archive of several decades of Computerworld, and came across a short item from March 1968 on carrying cases for the typewriter-like Teletype terminals that were then used to interface with mainframes and minis. Anderson Jacobson sold the cases both separately and as a package with a Teletype pre-installed. (Sadly, the Computerworld story doesn’t say how much you had to pay for one of these portable Teletype systems. Maybe if you had to ask, you couldn’t afford one.)

One model of Teletype weighed a trim 75 pounds in its case; another, was an even more featherweight 65 pounds. The cases offered optional wheels in case you wanted to roll your Teletype along. The gent in the photo below didn’t need the wheels–I wonder if he tried to store his Teletype below the seat in front of him when he traveled by airplane?

Portable Teletype

Of course, putting a Teletype in a case didn’t really give you access to a mainframe’s mighty computing power anywhere; the Teletype had to be plugged in and connected via a dial-up modem (with an acoustic coupler that attached to your telephone’s handset). What it did was help you move a big, bulky piece of equipment from place to place with a little less difficulty. But the yen to go mobile was there. Wonder how the guy in the photo would have reacted if you’d shown him even the most mundane notebook from 2009?


The Commodore 64 vs. the iPhone 3G S: The Ultimate Showdown

Sad news: Apple has rejected a Commodore 64 emulator for the iPhone. It’s not surprising, and arguably not an utter outrage given that the iPhone developer agreement expressly forbids emulators, and the C64 app’s creator knew that when he began work on his brainchild. I’m still unclear on how a Commodore 64 emulator–one fully licensed by the relevant copyright holders–hurts the iPhone, iPhone owners, or Apple, though. Especially since other iPhone apps that use emulation techniques and which sound less delightful have apparently snuck their way into the App Store. Thinking about all this got me to thinking about the fact that the Commodore 64 was considered to have a lot of RAM (64KB) at a surprisingly low price ($595) back in 1982. The iPhone 3G S  has 4,000 times the RAM (256MB) for one-third the price (with an AT&T contract), and that’s not even taking into consideration the fact that it also has an additional 250,000 times as much memory (or 500,000, if you spring for the 32GB model) as the C64 in the form of its flash storage. Or that the starting price of $199 for an iPhone 3G S is really more like $90 in 1982 dollars. Did I mention that that the 3G S fits in your pocket? After the jump, what is almost certainly the most comprehensive comparison of the Commodore 64 and the iPhone 3G S that anyone has done to date. I’ll let you decide which one comes out on top. Continue Reading →


Fifteen Classic PC Design Mistakes

PC Design MistakesThere’s no such thing as the perfect computer, and never has been. But in the personal computer’s long and varied history, some computers have been decidedly less perfect than others.  Many early PCs shipped with major design flaws that either sunk platforms outright or considerably slowed down their adoption by the public.  Decades later, we can still learn from these multi-million dollar mistakes.  By no means is the following list exhaustive; one could probably write about the flaws of every PC ever released.  But when considering past design mistakes, these examples spring to my mind.

Special thanks to Steven Stengel of the Obsolete Technology Homepage for providing many of the photos in this article.

Apple III (1980)

Apple III

The Apple III was Apple’s first computer not devised by Steve Wozniak, Apple’s co-founder.  Instead, a committee of engineers designed it to be the “perfect” business system.  With an absurdly high price (options ranged between $4,340 to $7,800–about $11,231 to $20,185 in 2009 dollars) and numerous bugs at launch, the Apple III was doomed to failure.

Problem #1: No Power Supply Fan

The Apple III’s lack of power supply fan caused system to heat up, warping the motherboard and unseating certain socketed chips.

Apple III ChassisWhat Were They Thinking?

According to Apple insiders, Steve Jobs’ zeal for a simple and silent computer design forced the Apple III team to exclude a cooling fan for the power supply.  Apple later suggested a simple fix for the heat-warping problem: raise the Apple III a few inches off a hard surface and drop it, hopefully re-seating the chips in the process. Fortunately, that advice wasn’t required for later Apple computers that lacked fans.

Problem #2: Limited Apple II Compatibility

To run an Apple III in Apple II mode, one had to first boot from a special floppy disk.  Once in Apple II emulator mode, the user could not use any of the Apple III’s enhanced hardware, including 80 column text mode or the real-time clock.  Compatibility with Apple II software was not perfect, as many software packages used direct memory writes in the form of PEEKs and POKEs that didn’t line up with the Apple III’s memory structure.

What Were They Thinking?

Like IBM and the PC/PCjr, Apple wanted a clear product delineation between their “home” machine (the Apple II) and their “professional” machine (the Apple III).  As a result, Apple II compatibility on the Apple III was intentionally crippled.
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Classic Console Gaming Goes Portable

fcmobileIIWandering the backwaters at E3 can yield some surprising finds, like the Hyperkin booth. The company, which sells accessories for most current and older-generation console systems, was showing off its month-old FC Mobile II, a portable game system that accepts original, 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System cartridges. The $60 package includes a light gun and two wireless controllers, and can be connected to a television or played portably using the built-in 2-inch LCD screen.
segahandheldBut 16-bit gamers don’t have to lament–starting this summer they’ll be able to play their favorite Sega Genesis or Master System cartridges on a unit Hyperkin plans to sell. The Sega model will also connect to a television or be playable on a tiny LCD, includes two built-in classic Sonic the Hedgehog games, and can play any other Genesis cartridges you find in dust-covered boxes in your closet or scrounge up at a garage sale.

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VisiCalc Turns Thirty

VisiCalcThis week marks the thirtieth anniversary of the public debut of VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet and the personal computer industry’s original killer app. Co-creator Dan Bricklin has a post with some memories of the launch and links to videos of him and VisiCalc’s other father, Bob Frankston, talking about the debut.

Dan says that VisiCalc was unveiled at the National Computer Conference, an early PC convention that was held in New York from June 4th-7th 1979. I have vivid memories of seeing Bricklin and Frankston demo VisiCalc at the first meeting I ever attended of the Boston Computer Society, and always remembered that demo as being VisiCalc’s public debut. If the NCC announcement happened first, the BCS showing must have happened very shortly thereafter. But it was certainly the first time I’d heard of VisiCalc, and the program knocked my socks off. (Boy, what I’d give to see a video of that demo, along with many other ones of major products hosted by the BCS from the late 1970s through the mid-1980s.)

Unless you want to make a case for the early word processor known as Electric Pencil, VisiCalc was the first application so compelling that people bought computers to run it. It defined the spreadsheet, which came to be one of two defining productivity applications (the other being word processing). Lotus 1-2-3, the most popular productivity app of the 1980s, was directly inspired by VisiCalc; Microsoft Excel was designed to be a 1-2-3 killer, and eventually did the job. (Even Excel 2007 is essentially a VisiCalc upgrade with a lot more features and a prettier interface–the concept hasn’t changed a bit.)

I can’t quite decide if the fact that VisiCalc emerged three decades ago is evidence that personal computing has been around for a long time, or that it’s still a remarkably young industry. Either way, the anniversary is worth celebrating…

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The Greatest Half-Decade in PC History

Personal Computers of the Early 1980sThe personal computer revolution is roughly thirty-five years old, which means that been through seven half-decades so far. To me, the most interesting one is the first half of the 1980s–when PCs were really getting going, and hadn’t yet become commodified through compatibility. Almost every new one was an experiment, whether it was wildly successful or a flop.

I’ve assembled a gallery of patent drawings of some noteworthy machines of the era, including ones you know–and, maybe, owned–and ones I’m not sure ever even had the chance to roll off an assembly line.

View Patentmania! Personal Computers of the Early 80s gallery

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