I may have sat down and cranked out my first impressions of Windows 7 last night, but I’m still pondering what we’ve learned so far about the OS–and what we still don’t know. Mind if I do a quick brain dump as of 1:31pm on Tuesday afternoon? (Hey, that’s right now!)
Tag Archives | Operating Systems
Windows 7 First Impressions: Hey, This Looks Pretty Good!
And it looks…quite promising, really. As in “Isn’t this a lot closer to what Windows Vista should have been in the first place?”
So Who’s Visiting Technologizer?
One of the many cool things about running Technologizer is that I can sneak a peek at the site’s Web analytics and see what operating systems and browsers are used by site visitors. Doing so helps me figure out what folks might want to read about–we do a lot of Mac coverage in part because a lot of Mac types hang out here–but it’s also just plain interesting. At least I think so–and in case you do, too, here’s a quick snapshot. (These figures are for October to date.)
The browser wars are alive and well on Technologizer:
It pleases me to see that Firefox is the most popular browser, with 48 percent of visitors using it;
24 percent use Internet Explorer (66 percent IE 7; 30 percent IE 6; 2 percent IE 8);
17 percent use Safari;
5 percent use Google Chrome;
4 percent use Opera (not huge, but around 5X the usage on the Web at large);
2 percent use something else.
Then there are operating systems:
62 percent of us come to the site via a Windows computer;
27 percent are on a Mac;
8 percent are using Linux;
2 percent are using an iPhone (!);
1 percent are using something else (like the 149 visitors who are on a T-Mobile Sidekick)
These stats show us to be a pretty diverse bunch–we’re far more likely to be using an alternative browser or an underdog OS than Internet users at large. They are, however, subject to change–and if I see any striking changes one way or another, I’ll report back here with an update. (For one thing, I’m curious to see if Chrome usage grows rapidly, and if so, at which other browser’s expense…)