Confession time: I like reading tech predictions, but I don’t much like making them…mainly because I’m just not that good at it. So I’m putting the burden on you guys: I’m rounding up predictions for 2009, and will publish highlights much as we did with our Whaddaya Want? wishlist project. You can guess at cool products and services that we’ll see, corporate mergers that’ll happen, embarrassments that will be suffered by major companies–anything, really, as long as it relates to technology.
How will I induce you to chime in? With a prize, of course. We’ll pick one community member who contributes at random and give that person Seagate’s FreeAgent XTreme external desktop hard drive, a Cadillac of a drive with 1TB of storage and FireWire 400, USB 2.0, and eSata ports. If you’ve got a Mac, you can choose to receive the FreeAgent Desk Mac drive, which is designed for Macs and bundled with OS X software tools, instead. (Prize courtesy of Seagate.)
You can submit predictions until 12pm noon PT on Wednesday, January 7th; we’ll draw a winner and notify that person by midnight on Friday, January 8th.
Please use the handy-dandy form below to submit predictions–more than one is fine, but won’t increase your chances at winning the drive, so just include ’em all in one message. Please give your real name and be sure to provide a working e-mail address, so we can e-mail you with any good news (if you’re logged into, we’ll get your e-mail automatically). Thanks in advance! And remind me to follow up a year from now to see how well we (er, you) did at guessing what 2009 would bring.
[UPDATE: Submissions are now closed–thanks to all who contributed.]