Happy Thanksgiving! If you’re not eating Turkey and have a spare moment, check out my story on Windows Phone 7.5 “Mango” over on TIME.com. It’s certainly the best mobile operating system that very few people use…
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Hands on With the Galaxy Nexus and Ice Cream Sandwich
Over at TIME.com, I’ve written about my experience with Samsung and Google’s new Galaxy Nexus phone–and in particular its operating system, Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, Overall, I’m impressed. Lots and lots of little refinements add up to the best Android handset to date. And while Ice Cream Sandwich doesn’t utterly eradicate Android’s geeky, ungainly feel, it makes it far more pleasant. If you like big screens and want LTE, this is the Android phone to get.
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Three Things to Read That Aren’t Here
I’ve been a busy boy this week. Here are three items I’ve written for other sites that are now live:
- For the Technologizer column at TIME.com, I reviewed OnStar FMV, the new flavor of GM’s service that fits into a mirror that can be installed in most vehicles.
- At CNET, I wrote about the fact that the Lytro camera isn’t just interesting because of its light-field technology–it’s also an attempt to build a true point-and-shoot.
- And for AllBusiness.com, I took a look at a half-dozen smartphone apps–all available for both iPhones and Android–that help me run my small business.
Whew. Mind if I take a brief nap?
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Modest Can be Magnificent
Over at TIME.com, my latest Technologizer column is about why “minor” upgrades such as the iPhone 4S and Windows 8 are at least as important as biggies like the iPhone 4 and Windows Vista.
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Steve Jobs, on the Cover of TIME Once More
My friends at TIME had just finished work on the issue that comes out this Friday when the world learned of the passing of Steve Jobs. They stopped the presses, called an emergency meeting–here’s photographic evidence–and put together a new cover story. (And what a cover that is.) I’m honored to say that the obituary I wrote for TIME.com became part of the print magazine’s coverage. (I also have another story in the issue, on Facebook’s new Timeline and Open Graph features.)
The Google+ Identity Mess
My latest TIME.com column–online now and in print next week–is about Google+, identity, and anonymity.
Remembering 9/11, on the iPad and on the Web

Steve Rosenbaum's The 9/11 Memorial: Past, Present, and Future
On September 11th, 2001, the Web basically consisted of words, images, murky RealAudio sound, and a smattering of video that was a hassle to deal with, especially if you were still on dial-up. And tablets, in their modern, iPad-era form, didn’t exist at all. But a lot has happened in the past decade–and the tenth-anniversary coverage of the attacks and subsequent events include some remarkable creations which make use of today’s technology to do things that TV, books, magazines, and newspapers can’t.
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Me, Elsewhere
I haven’t written as much here recently as I like to, but I have a good excuse: I’ve been hard at work writing for other sites. Three new stories are up today:
* At TIME.com, I reviewed two new Android phones from Motorola: the potent (and battery-hungry) Droid Bionic, and the basic (and thrifty) Triumph.
* TIME also asked me to try and make sense of the drama going on over at AOL and TechCrunch. I’m not even sure if that’s possible, but I tried.
* Over at AllBusiness.com, I wrote about a newish gadget that small businesses seem to be snapping up with the same zea they once adopted IBM PCs and PalmPilots. It’s called the iPad.
Whew! (And stay turned for another bit of related news in the not-too-distant future.)
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The Beginning of the Post-Steve Jobs Era
My TIME.com Technologizer column this week is on the biggest news so far in the most eventful couple of weeks for technology that I can remember.
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Fifty Sites to See
Say, I had fun writing this year’s installment of a long-standing TIME tradtion: the fifty best sites of the year. Here it is.