Flipboard Launches, Gets Overwhelmed, Regroups

By  |  Thursday, July 22, 2010 at 1:30 pm

Flipboard, the “social magazine” which I wrote about on Tuesday, remains a really cool, clever application–but its servers are struggling to keep up with all the iPad owners who want to check it out. For awhile, that resulted in some users simply being unable to get the app to work at all. Now the company has instituted an invite system: It says that the app’s standard content streams should now function smoothly, but that it’s letting people get access to their Facebook and Twitter feeds in groups.

If the standard hot-Web-startup scenario pans out, Flipboard will beef up its servers enough to make the app function well pretty quickly. It’s fascinating, though, just how hard it seems to be for companies to get this stuff right before they launch..

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