Apologies for the continued self-indulgent excavation of my own work, but after indexing my TIME.com columns and preserving my tweets, I’m back with links to the 952 posts I wrote for my PC World blog Techlog between 2004 and 2008. Until now, I’ve considered them to be more or less lost. At some point after I left PC World, the publication decided to pull the plug on its blogs, which were hosted on an increasingly archaic platform called Moveable Type. I’m not postive when it happened—possibly during a redesign of the site in 2012—but was ages ago. And I might have been the only outsider who noticed or cared.
Even the Wayback Machine’s copies of the blog were broken, due to its inability to deal with the navigation menu we’d constructed. If you found one Techlog post, there was no obvious way to click around to all the other ones. All you got were broken links. Recently, though, I made a discovery. By manually editing the Wayback URLs, it was possible to get to all my blog posts after all. They were all there—just hidden, as if they’d been stored in rooms without any doors or windows.
I am not inordinately proud of these posts, none of which I’d rank among the 50 things I’m most pleased to have written. But I will take credit for convincing PC World to get into blogging, back when some of the people who worked at old-school media companies still scoffed at blogs as being insufficiently lofty journalistic enterprises. I still have an April 2003 email in which I hatched a plan to prioritize the project with my colleague Matthew Newton, who still blogs; it took another year before Techlog went live. It became quite popular, as did other blogs we launched thereafter.
I was in charge of PC World editorial at this point and didn’t consider Techlog to be one of my primary responsibilities. Looking at the timestamps, I see that I often published early in the morning, in the evening, and on weekends. But I did love writing at web speed, working without a net, and getting instant feedback from commenters. Even as PC World’s editor, my print column—which I renamed Techlog to match the blog—was subject to multiple layers of editing and a weeks-long production cycle. With the blog, when something popped into my head, it was almost easier to write it than to surpress the urge. Google News was ridiculously kind to PCWorld.com stories, and I could just about make my posts pop up at the top of its headlines at will.
Looking back, I’m reminded that this was a fun period to be blogging about personal tech. I covered the launches of Gmail and the iPhone, plus stuff that seemed to matter at the time, such as Google Gears and UMPCs. I wrote a ton about Firefox, one of my favorite products from this period. Once I figured out Twitter—not so easy a feat at the time—I wrote about it, too. Maybe best of all, I liveblogged several Steve Jobs keynotes—how I miss doing that.
What follows is a reverse-chronological index of all my Techlog posts. Sadly, some of the images have disappeared, as have all the embedded videos. But the text is intact, and along with linking to all of it on the Wayback Machine, I’ve added some interjections of historical context. As with all my old stuff I’m reviving here, I don’t expect you to dig in. But it’s kind of a relief to no longer consider this work to have vanished from the face of the web.
The PC World Techlog Archive
- Goodbye, Kind PC World
⬆️ (My farewell address.)
- Live From Google’s “Factory Tour” of Search
- Aliph’s New Jawbone Headset: Smaller and More Stylish
- My New Adventure
⬆️ (In which I announce that I’m leaving PC World to start my own tech site—the one you’re reading now. - A Win for PCW!
- No MicroHoo? Hallelujah!
- The $199 iPhone: Cool! Possibly Imaginary!
- Sorry, MSN Music “Buyers!”
- Mysteries of Lending Tree
- Seven Ways to Fix Technology Retailing
- Help Emru Townsend Find a Bone Marrow Donor
⬆️ (Emru was a longtime friend of mine, and when he began writing for PC World, the rest of the staff loved him as much as I did. He became a champion for bone marrow donor awareness and received a donation himself later in 2008, but passed away that November. I still think about him all the time and consider myself fortunate to have known him.) - Microsoft’s Bizarrely Patronizing Anti-Piracy Campaign
- The Frustratingly Unfulfilled Promise of Google Gears
- Windows XP Gets a Reprieve–Kinda Sorta
- A Very Special Announcement
⬆️ (These days, I love to hate April Fools’ pranks, but I was pretty excited about PC World‘s SaveDOS.com. The best part was that it crashed to a simulated DOS prompt. Tragically, the world at large failed to find it as hilarious as I did. Their loss.)
- Microsoft Makes Moving Friends Between Social Networks (Slightly) Easier
- How to “Get Twitter”
⬆️ (I wrote this shortly after I “got Twitter” myself. Revisiting it in the X/Elon Musk era is so, so bittersweet.) - Help Us Choose the Top 100 Products, Get a Chance at an iPod Touch
- A Good Day for PC World
- PCWorld.com Users Say: Save Windows XP!
- Live From Apple’s iPhone Event: Getting iPhone Apps Onto Your iPhone
⬆️ (Steve Jobs announces the App Store—arguably a bigger deal than the iPhone itself.) - Live From Apple’s iPhone Event: Applications
- Live From Apple’s iPhone Event: Microsoft Exchange Support
- At Apple’s iPhone Event
- Internet Explorer 8 and the Boring Era of Web Browsers
- It’s Windows Vista! Only Cheaper!
Dear Microsoft: It’s Time for Internet Explorer, Powered by Firefox
⬆️ (Microsoft did not take my advice to adopt the Firefox browser engine. But years later, it did give Windows a browser based on Google’s Chrome engine—the same thing I was proposing, pretty much, in updated form.) - Firefox: On Its Way to Web Domination?
- Flock 1.1 Browser: Even a Little Cooler
- Toshiba Pulling the Plug on HD DVD? Hallelujah!
- Hotel Check-In Kiosks: Broken!
- A Heartfelt, YouTube-Based Wake for Polaroid Instant Photography
⬆️ (When Polaroid got out of the instant film business, I went into mourning. It took years, but it eventually undid that exit and is very much with us today.) - Once Again: Where the Heck is My OLPC XO Laptop?
- February 1st, 2008: The Day the Original Web Died
⬆️ (Because the Netscape browser went away, and it looked like Microsoft was going to gobble up Yahoo.) - Microsoft-Yahoo: My Opinion and Yours
⬆️ (Maybe the most boring corporate merger that ever didn’t actually happen.)
- DEMO 08 Highlights, Sidelights, and Lowlights
- Should Windows XP Be Saved? Take Our Survey
- DEMO 08 Day One Wrap-Up
- Blist: A Database For the Rest of Us?
- LeapFrog’s Tag Book-Reading Pen
- SkyFire: Full-Blown Browsing on Phones?
- At DEMO 08
- Share Your PC World Memories as We Turn 25
⬆️ (At the time, PC World having been around for 25 years seemed amazing to me. I don’t think anyone at the publication acknowledged when it turned 40, but I at least mentioned it.) - Where the Heck is my OLPC XO Laptop?
- Farewell, Uli Diehlmann
⬆️ (Losing Uli, PC World’s wonderful lab director—slightly over a year after Rex Farrance’s death—was a real blow.) - Customer-Friendly Windows Vista Virtualization Licensing–Finally
- Fun With Windows in Public Places
- MacBook Air: Less Than a Complete Computer?
- Steve Jobs Keynote: The MacBook Air
- Steve Jobs Keynote: Time Capsule, iPhone, Movie Rentals, Apple TV 2.0
⬆️ (I say this below in regards to a different post, but I’m moved to say it again: I can’t believe that going to see Steve Jobs demo new Apple products was just a normal work thing I did for so long.) - Is Wireless USB the “Air” in the MacBook Air?
⬆️ (It wasn’t, and I barely even remember what “wireless USB” is or was.) - Last Call For Macworld Expo Keynote Speculation
- The iPhone’s Anonymous Heroes
- Quick Poll! Did Gizmodo Ruin CES?
- The UMPC: Still Evolving! Still Pointless!
- Wacom’s Cheap, Sleek New Cintiq Tablet
- My War With Hotel Check-In Kiosks
- PCWorld.com Year-End Stats: IE7, Firefox, Vista, Mac
- Apple and Fox: Rentals and DVD-to-iPod Transfers On Their Way?
- Techlog’s Greatest Hits of 2007
- Another Kindle Complaint: Cancellation Hassles
- No OLPC Laptop for Me For Christmas
- Knol: Google Ennui Sets In, at Least for Me
- Jack and Woz: Together Again For the First Time
⬆️ (Going to the Computer History Museum event where Steve Wozniak and Commodore founder Jack Tramiel chatted onstage is still one of the more delightful things I’ve done as a tech reporter/enthusiast.) - MacBook Pro vs. Eurocom: Who’s fastest?
- This is CNN…on the Commodore 64
- A Flash-Based MacBook? Don’t Bet On It
⬆️ (Or do bet on it, given that all MacBooks eventually ditched their hard drives.) - End of the Vista Kill Switch: A Good Start–But Not Enough
- Pleo the Dinosaur Arrives…Finally!
- New Apple Ads: PC, Meet PC World
⬆️ (I had to personally approve the scripts for a couple of Apple’s “Get a Mac” TV commercials that riffed on a MacBook review we did. For some reason, one of the ads only aired once, and we never learned why. I’m sorry I didn’t tape it.)
- iPhone: Buy Now or Wait for 3G?
- Zoho Takes Online Word Processing Offline
- 5 Arguments For the Continued Viability of the Book
- I’m Officially Intriguing
- One Laptop For a Child, One Laptop For Me
- Video: Google Demos the Android Phone Platform
- The Undeniable Greatness of the Radio Shack TRS-80
⬆️ (A truer blog-post headline was never written.) - Liveblog: Google’s Open Handset Alliance Announcement
⬆️ (In retrospect, an important announcement–it’s what made Android a thing.) - Surprise! MySpace Joins Google’s OpenSocial Party
⬆️ (And the world changed forever. Or didn’t.)
- OpenSocial: Google Opens Up Social Network Platforms
- I Have a New Favorite Web Browser: Flock
⬆️ (Flock has been dead for years and years now, but I still miss it.) - Facebook Apps: Fascinating and Boring at the Same Time
- Web 2.0: Nokia’s N810 Internet Tablet
- Firefox on Phones: Coming Eventually!
- Internet Explorer 7’s Slow Start
- Microsoft Office Goes Kinda-Sorta Online
- DEMOFall Highlights
- Rex Farrance Case: News at Last
- EchoStar Snaps Up the Slingbox
⬆️ (I’m not sure if I realized until this moment that Slingbox founder Blake Krikorian commented on this post.) - Beware of Free Wi-Fi
- More TechCrunch: Stixy’s Web-Based Bulletin Boards
- More TechCrunch: Mint’s Personal Finance Service
⬆️ (Mint may remain the iconic example of a great product that was ruined after a big company acquired it–but trust me, it was bursting with promise at first.) - More TechCrunch: New Approaches to E-Mail
- First Look: Google Docs…Now With Presentations
- More Web Stuff From TechCrunch40
- TechCrunch40mania!
- Microsoft’s Copy Protection: It’s Time to Mend It–Or End It
- Microsoft Office vs. Google Apps: Latest Skirmishes
- Next Year’s iPods
- Office 2.0: Booming!
- Fifteen Random Thoughts About the New iPods
- Tuesday Apple Event: Live Chat
- Palm’s Foleo is DBA (Dead Before Arrival)
⬆️ (Sniff.)
- Hey, Amazon Thinks I Read Spanish!
- Seven Ways to Fix Windows Genuine Advantage
- Hallelujah, My TV Just Died!
- Acer + Gateway + eMachines + Packard Bell = ?
- Would You Buy a $25,000 Mouse?
- Windows Genuine Advantage: The Jig is Up
- Uh-Oh: Major Windows Genuine Advantage Outage
- The Man Who Jump-Started Apple
⬆️ (Not Steve Jobs or Steve Wozniak, but Paul Terrell, the company’s first dealer; I shared the memories he sent me via email.) - Note to Palm…
- Google’s Paid Video: A Happier Ending
- Google Stuff: Not For Keeps
- A Not-Very-Useful iPhone Keyboard Study
- Truveo: A Better Way to Find Video
- A New Way to Browse Around PCWorld.com
- PC World’s Print Makeover
- Hey Apple, Who is iMovie’s “Brilliant Engineer?”
⬆️ (Apple refused to tell me the name of the engineer responsible for a new version of iMovie, even though Steve Jobs himself deemed the guy “brilliant.” Someone then quietly sent me a link to a personal website that unquestionably belonged to the engineer in question, and I decided not to report on it in the interest of his privacy. But when I attended a later keynote and the guy in question not only got credit, but also onstage time, I wondered if I’d nudged Apple in the right direction.) - Live From Apple Event: New iMacs, iLife ’08, iWorks ’08
- Dell Gets Some Zing
- Apple News on Tuesday Morning
- Fake Steve Jobs: Unmasked!
- I Went Undercover With Dateline, Too
⬆️ (Someday I need to write about the months I spent in 2000 doing a hidden-camera investigation into PC repair in collaboration with Dateline NBC.) - PCWorld.com is ASBPE’s Site of the Year
- Microsoft Works: (Kind of) Free at Last
- Can’t Check In With This Kiosk!
⬆️ (Seventeen years later, checking into hotels via kiosk is still a crapshoot at best.)
- Microsoft vs. Google Apps?
- Power Outage!
- Pageflakes Takes It Up a Notch
- No More Newsprint For Me
⬆️ (My report on canceling newspaper delivery, in part because of constant theft from my urban apartment building. I moved to the burbs the following year, but never got back into the newsprint habit.) - 13 Reasons Why I’m Not Buying an iPhone–Yet
- Coming Soon: A Whole New PC World
⬆️ (A report on a big print redesign I oversaw, which I imagine I realized was the last time I’d get to rip up a magazine in sweeping fashion and impose my own vision. We considered changing the name from “PC World” to “PCWorld,” a possibility I overruled, though the new logo did move the “PC” and “World” closer together as a halfway measure. Later, after I left, the brand did become “PCWorld,” and as far as I know it had no impact one way or the other.) - More Things I Now Know About the iPhone
- One Way to Really Speed Up iPhone Input
- 49 Things I Now Know About the iPhone
⬆️ (I’m surprised I came up with 49 of them, especially considering that I didn’t ever buy the first iPhone myself.)
- iPhone Recap: PCW’s Review, Videos, and More
- The iLine Endeth: Buying an iPhone
- The Mother of All iLines
- Stonestown Gallery iLine Report: Our Story Thus Far
- iLine Report #10
⬆️ (I won an iPhone launch day T-shirt by knowing Steve Jobs’ birthday—I sort of cheated—and hope I still have it somewhere.) - iLine Report #9
- iLine Report #8
- iLine Report #7
- iLine Report #6
- iLine Report #5
- iLine Report #4
- iLine Report #3
- iLine Report #2
- iPhone Sales Predictions: Uncannily Accurate!
- iLine Report
⬆️ (When the first iPhones went on sale, a whole bunch of us PC Worlders devoted the day to waiting in line to buy several of them. I waited at two Apple Stores, bought one phone, and reported on the experience—and then went into the office to help with our review and a video. It was an odd and memorable experience, and in retrospect, the only thing I’d do differently would be purchasing one extra iPhone with my own money and leaving it untouched.) - iDay is Upon Us
- Is the iPhone the 128K Mac?
- The Epic Story of Psion
- The iPhone Comes Into Focus
- Journalists Shouldn’t Write Ad Copy
- Buying an iPhone on Day One?
- Microsoft’s Virtualization Flip-Flop
- What Are Your Least Favorite Windows Features of All Time?
- AIM’s Unwanted Buddies
- Why Safari For Windows? Why Now?
- iPhone: The Killer App is Safari
- Yep, Safari Runs on Windows
- Live Coverage of Jobs Keynote at Apple’s WWDC
⬆️ (By this point, my liveblogging technique was fully fleshed out; I was even posting photos as fast as I could take them.) - What Does Apple Have in Store for WWDC?
- Google Gears in Action
- eBay iPhone Auctions: Weird!
- Firefox and Mac Usage on PC World: Growing!
- Radically New Ask.com
⬆️ (I’m not sure why I wrote so much about Ask.com back in these days, but if nothing else, it was evidence that Google hadn’t yet decisively trounced all its competition.) - Stuff We Know (Maybe) About the iPhone
- Palm Gets Money, New Blood
- The iPhone. Coming on June 29th. Officially.
- Real to Let You Download Net Video
- Google’s Eric Schmidt at D
- YouTube Guys at D: All Things Digital
- Hey, Give Palm’s Foleo a Chance!
- Bill and Steve: Together Again
⬆️ (In retrospect, my description of the Bill Gates-Steve Jobs joint interview at D as merely “semi-historic” may have been an understatement. I’m awfully glad I was there.) - Steve Jobs at D
- Liveblogging D: Jeff Hawkins Unveils the Foleo
⬆️ (One of the all-time great unreleased products—a laptop that used your Treo phone as its brain. I’m not sure why Jeff Hawkins, Kara Swisher, and Walt Mossberg are sideways in my photo.) - A Table. From Microsoft. Seriously.
⬆️ (Someone needs to do the definitive history of the original Microsoft Surface, a table with an embedded computer. I first saw it at a hush-hush CES preview on the evening of the same day that Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone—a product whose existence made the Surface dramatically less amazing than it would have otherwise been.) - John McCain Talks Tech at D
⬆️ (I’m glad I got to see John McCain in action as part of a small crowd he mingled with at the D conference, though we didn’t actually exhange words.) - Blogging on a Plane
- The 100 Best Products
- Google Universal Search: Intriguing and Confusing
- More Google Searchology: More New Features
- More Google Searchology: Google Universal Search
- Google Searchology: Cool New Features
- More Google Searchology: Usability
- Searchology: Google Employee #1 Speaks
- Google Again
- Easy In-Store Pickup? Not For Me!
- Meebo’s Nifty Multimedia Chat Rooms
- Out With the Old
- My Weird Week
⬆️ (In May 2007, I got into a tiff with my new boss over editorial independence—I was in favor of it—and quit PC World. My departure got a lot of attention, and the solution turned out to involve said boss leaving the publication and me coming back. Maybe I’ll write about all this at length someday, but for now, this New York Times story is a pretty good summary of the whole drama.) - Would You Download a Free Weekly PC World PDF?
⬆️ (“PC World’s print edition is doing just fine, thank you–it’s going to be around for a long time to come.” That turned out to be true, and I wasn’t around when PCW did exit print, six years later.) - iGoogle It Is!
- More on iGoogle: Build Your Own Gadgets
- Google Knows Where You Live
- Introducing iGoogle
- PC World Wins Some Awards!
- OK, How Well Are Vista and Office Selling?
- The $100 PC is $175…and Still Cool
- Yahoo’s Better (But Imperfect) Lyrics Database
- BlackBerry Inside Windows Mobile
- Presidential Debates Get Webby
⬆️ (Classic comment: “We do not live in a democracy, we live in a Constitutional Republic. Also I prefer the term Libertarian. —thrasher64”) - Microsoft’s $3 Software Bundle
- Google Spreadsheets Gets Charts (Finally!)
- BlackBerry Blackout
- Web 2.0: See How They Run!
- Google Apps Suite to Become a Real Suite
- Coming Soon: A Wi-Fi iPod?
- Google, DoubleClick, and You
- All the President’s Missing E-Mail
- Apple Makes Mac Fans Play the Waiting Game
- Bill Gates in Spaaaaaaaaaaace (?)
- In Which I Invest in Obsolete Technology
⬆️ (I’d forgotten that someone stole the satellite radio from my car after I left my sunroof open.) - What’s the Most Annoying Product of All Time?
- A Hundred Million iPods!
- Microsoft Word Creator in Spaaaaaaaaace
- Is Microsoft Toast?
⬆️ (No.) - Will the Sun Knock Out My GPS?
- Computerworld’s 21 Biggest Technology Flops
- “Windows Vista Capable” Gets Microsoft Sued
- PC World’s 50 Best Tech Products of All Time
- EMI and Apple’s DRM-Free Experiment
- DRM-Free Music From EMI and Apple?
- What Are EMI and Steve Jobs Up To?
- Google Gets Silly For April Fools’ Day
⬆️ (I’m glad the era of tech-company April Fools’ pranks is finally over.) - March
- PC World’s Big Move
- What’s PC World’s Best Tech Product of All Time?
- AOL Mail: Already Infinite
- How Well is Windows Vista Selling?
- Yahoo Mail Goes Infinite
⬆️ (Today, Yahoo Mail seems to offer a measly 1TB of storage.) - Google Personal Homepage Gets Skinnable
- Help Us Choose 2007’s Best Products
- Slacker: New Twists For Internet Radio
- Viacom Goes After YouTube
- The $26,000 PC
- The 50 Most Important People on the Web
- The New AT&T is Driving Me Crazy!
⬆️ (I’m a little confused by my statement in this post that my Treo 650 was destroyed in a downpour in Monaco. I remember the downpour, but I still have the Treo, and it still works.)
- Photoshop to Go Online. Who’s Next?
- CompUSA Implodes
- Ning is Neat
⬆️ (In 2007, Marc Andreessen was still doing stuff like personally demoing new products to tech journalists.) - BitTorrent’s New Downloads: Legit But Lame
- BitTorrent: Buy, Rent, or Steal?
- Google Apps vs. Microsoft Office
- Firefox Fading? Not at PCWorld.com
- The Apple iPhone It is!
- AOL Tacks Ads on E-Mail
- Windows Vista Capable: Good For Nothing!
- My Twelve-Year-Old PC Peripherals
⬆️ (I still have these Bose PC speakers somewhere, though they’re not currently in service.) - It’s Official: XM and Sirius Are Merging
⬆️ (Bad merger. Bad, bad merger.) - Hey, I Just Bought a Windows XP PC!
- Yahoo Messenger Inside Yahoo Mail
- PC Paradise: A Few Snapshots
⬆️ (The Wayback Machine failed to preserve these photos from the PC World cruise—which bums me out, because I misplaced them, too.) - The 15 Wackiest USB Gadgets
- PC Paradise Found…But Ending
⬆️ (The first PC World cruise also turned out to be the last PC World cruise.) - More News From the Cruise
- Super Bowl Commercials: Two Notes
- Hello From PC Paradise
⬆️ (A report from the PC World cruise, via the worst Wi-Fi I’ve ever used.) - Best and Worst Super Bowl Tech Commercials
- Two Ways to Explore Your Town
- Zoho’s Cool Web-Based Note Taker
- Network Storage for Your Phone
- No-Ink, Pocket-Sized Photo Printer
- The Non-Hostile Mac vs. PC Debate
- Vistamania! Sort Of!
- A YouTube History of Steve Jobs Keynotes
- More on Rex Farrance
⬆️ (The San Francisco Chronicle belatedly published a fine article about Rex and PC World.) - Windows Vista: Midnight Special?
- The 10 Biggest iPod Annoyances
- You Can’t Always Get What You Want
⬆️ (Such as a smartphone that worked well with Lotus Notes.) - iPhone: It’s a Newton! Sort of!
⬆️ (The first thing I ever wrote about the iPhone: “I’d love to see the iPhone become a rich, flexible platform for applications of all sorts–less of an iPod phone, in other words, and more of a MacPhone.”) - Rex Farrance: Unforgettable, Irreplaceable
⬆️ (My wonderful colleague Rex Farrance was murdered, then smeared by the police—by far the most awful work-related experience I’ve ever gone through.) - Ford Sync Will Play iTunes Downloads
- Shuttle Puts Vista in Cars
- Seagate and Maxtor’s New Images
⬆️ (Hard-drive king Seagate comes up with possibly the worst tech-product slogan of all time: “Your [sic] on.”) - Have You Networked a Ford Lately?
- CES vs. Macworld: Tech’s Busiest Week
⬆️ (CES and Macworld Expo were scheduled at the same time, which meant that I was attending a PC World meet-and-greet breakfast at the Las Vegas Hilton as Steve Jobs was introducing the iPhone back in San Francisco.) - EarthLink’s Garry Betty, 1957-2007: A Pioneer Passes On
- Next Ford Option: Microsoft Software?
⬆️ (I eventually bought, and still drive, a Ford with Microsoft’s now-incredibly-archaic Sync operating system.) - The Most Popular PC World Story of 2006
⬆️ (It was “The 25 Worst Tech Products of All Time,” eventually cited in more than Wikipedia article as proof that some of them stunk.) - The Second Most Popular PC World Story of 2006
- The Third Most Popular PCWorld.com Story of 2006
- The Fourth Most Popular PC World Story of 2006
- The Fifth Most Popular PC World Story of 2006
- The Sixth Most Popular PC World Story of 2006
- The Seventh Most Popular PC World Story of 2006
- The Eighth Most Popular PC World Story of 2006
- The Ninth Most Popular PC World Story of 2006
- PC World’s Tenth Most Popular Story of 2006
- The Dumbest Technology Moments of 2006
- Firefox Usage on PCWorld.com: Down a Bit
- Hey, Help Us Plan Some Articles!
- Tightest Mac+Windows Integration Yet
- Google Patents: The Atari Files
- Reason Enough to Buy Office 2007
⬆️ (Clippy was finally dead, dead, dead.) - Hard Drive Pioneer Passes On
⬆️ (I’d interviewed Al Shugart for a story, but I’m sorry to say I didn’t save my recordings in those days. I do now.) - Turn Those Gadgets Off!
- AskCity: Ask’s Cool New Local Search Service
- TiVo Tacks Ads Onto Shows
- The 10 Greatest Operating System Upgrades Ever
- Gadgets and Airplane Safety Announcements
- The Single Worst Thing About Office 2007
⬆️ (It was that the new “Ribbon” interface was in some of the apps, but not all of them.) - 13 Most Embarrassing Web Moments
- Wait Wait…It’s PC World!
⬆️ (Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me—one of my favorite radio shows at the time—based a segment on an article about terrible videogames, by Emru Townsend, that I edited. I was too polite to mention it in this post, but before publication, one of my coworkers had helpfully informed me that it was a boring topic and he couldn’t imagine anyone caring.) - PC World’s 25 Greatest PCs of All Time…Live!
⬆️ (For the first and only time—so far—an article I conceived and helped put together became a museum exhibit.) - More Web 2.0: Microsoft’s Amazing Photosynth
- eBay Factoid
- Yahoo Mail’s New Built-In Instant Messaging
- Ray Ozzie at Web 2.0: Vista, Office, Etc.
- At Web 2.0 Conference
- Office 2007: On Its Way
- Unboxing the New iPod Shuffle
- Windows 95 Launch: Relive the Magic!
⬆️ (I’m still sorry I didn’t get to go to the Windows 95 launch, but, as this post mentions, I was at the post-9/11 Windows XP launch in New York, which remains seared in my memory like few events I’ve attended.)
- Come Cruise With PC World
⬆️ (My first mention of the PC World cruise, which turned out to be not remotely as successful as the Macworld cruises we’d been sponsoring. But I did get a free cruise out of it.) - MacBook Shutdowns: Software Solution?
- More Tech Nostalgia: Radio Shack Commercials
- Firefox 2, Internet Explorer 7: Random Thoughts
- MacBook Pros Get More Professional
- Google Custom Search: Build Your Own Google
- Bad Games. Bad, Bad Games
- One More Factoid on the iPod’s Success
- Five Lessons For the iPod’s Fifth Anniversary
- MacBook Shutdowns: Case (Finally) Closed?
- The Freaky Fifteen
- Old TV Ads For Computers: Special All-Commodore Edition
- A Brief History of Computers, As Seen in Old TV Ads
⬆️ (According to my old email, this post—an early example of YouTube curation—was a big hit and got picked up by Boing Boing and Slashdot.) - Reality PC
- More Office 2.0 Conference
- Eudora Goes Open Source
- Notable Quotes From Office 2.0
- Office 2.0 Conference: Dyson Keynote
- Writely No More: Google Docs and Spreadsheets
- Google-YouTube: Questions, Questions
⬆️ (“Five years from now, this deal could look either like the deal of the century or an absurd waste of money.”) - Digital World Evolves
⬆️ (The evolution in question involved giving up on our modest investment in a standalone gadget blog and merged it into the mothership.) - Windows Vista Marketing Gets Viral
- First Look: A Whole New Google Groups (Finally!)
- Firefox Hits 25% Usage on PCWorld.com
⬆️ (It was really fun tracking Firefox’s rise as expressed in PCWorld.com stats. I wonder what the percentage is today?) - Amazon’s A9 Search as We Knew It: Dead!
- Ultra-Mobile PCs Worth Buying?
- Sirius’s Stiletto Radio
- More DEMO: Widgetbox Widgets
- More from DEMO: Retrevo’s Gadget Search
- A Wi-Fi Enabled…Bunny Rabbit?
- Moixa’s USB Batteries
- RealNetworks Does an RSS Reader
- DEMO Begins
- HP Still Doesn’t Get It
- Dunn Out at HP, Effective Immediately
- Connexion, I Hardly Used Ye
- Presenting…the Worst of the Web
- Zune Revealed
⬆️ (I remain embarassed that I devoted even minor quantities of brain cells to pondering the Zune.) - HP Doesn’t Quite Resolve Its Privacy Fiasco
- New Apple Stuff: Answers and Questions
- A Few Bad Pictures From the Apple Event
- iTV Preview
- ITunes Movies
- New iTunes 7
- Apple Event: New iPods
- Live From Apple Event
- New Name For iTunes Store?
- Last Chance to Be Wrong About Apple’s News!
- HP’s Privacy Fiasco
⬆️ (Incredibly, HP engaged in identity theft against tech reporters. I wrote several outraged posts about the whole mess, and feel my blood reaching a simmer right now just thinking about it again.) - Apple: New Core 2 Duo iMacs, Mystery
- Windows Vista Pricing: Not So Comparable
- Google’s Cool Free Book Downloads
- Free Music From Universal: A Landmark?
- New Apple “Get a Mac” Ads
- MacBook Resolution Redux
- MacBook Resolution
- My Macbook: Still Ailing
- The End of an Era
⬆️ (A tribute to Karl Koessel, the last remaining founding member of the PC World editorial staff, and among the most interesting and unusual people I’ve ever met.) - Disconnexion
- New Yahoo Photos: Now Live
- Writely, Freely
- Commodore 64: Great?
- PC World’s 25 Greatest PCs
- My Last AOL Disc Ever?
- Leopard vs. Vista: Random Thoughts
- Apple WWDC Blogging: iChat and the Finale
- More Apple WWDC Live Blogging: More Leopard
- Apple WWDC Blogging: More Leopard Features
- Apple WWDC Live Blogging: Leopard Features
- More Apple WWDC Live Blogging: Tiger vs. Vista
- More Apple WWDC Live Blogging: Xserve
- Apple WWDC Live Blogging: Mac Pro Desktops
- Live From Apple’s WWDC
- Apple WWDC News: Coming Up Shortly
- A Treo to Look Forward to?
- Internet Explorer 7: The Name Game
- Apple Store: Genius is Served
- My MacBook Needs a Genius…Fast!
⬆️ (My black MacBook was such a lemon that I got into the habit of blogging as I waited for Apple Store Geniuses to try to fix it…over and over. After several failed motherboard replacements, they replaced it, seemingly at the behest of an employee charged with solving problems mentioned in blog posts.) - Meebo’s Instant Messaging Widget for Web Sites
- AOL’s Free Future
- So Would You Pay For Office 2007 Beta?
- Which PCW Cover Would You Buy: Results!
- Advice for Microsoft: Three Simple Words
- Core 2 Duo Launch: Hey Intel, That’s Not Our Cover!
⬆️ (Incredibly, Intel CEO Paul Ottelini gave a presentation that included several real PC World covers we provided…and one incredibly fake one they ginned up. I’m sorry the Wayback Machine lost my photo of it, but trust me, it was absurd.) - The New PCWorld.com is Live
- Intel’s Fast Core 2 Duo is Officially Official
- Coming Soon: A Whole New PCWorld.com
- Which PC World Cover Would You Buy?
- Leave AOL? Over Its Dead Body!
- It’s a YouTube World
⬆️ (“A few months ago, nobody had heard of YouTube…”) - What Will Apple Announce Next Month?
- Hey, Google Thinks I’m in Germany
- Mini-Poll: When Will Windows Vista Ship?
⬆️ (For years and years, shipping delays for Windows upgrades were about as big as tech news got.) - Firefox 2.0 Beta is Available
- The $300 Digital SLR?
- No More Support For Windows 98 and ME
- Dell’s Google Earth Mashup
⬆️ (This post is the first to reflect a radical site redesign we did; sadly, the Wayback Machine had way more trouble preserving my posts’ images than with the previous incarnation.)
- Microsoft Office: Worth the (Longer?) Wait?
- Windows Genuine Advantage: Good News and Bad
- Microsoft’s WinFS: Dead Again (Sigh)
- Apple’s “Get a Mac” Ads: Fact? Fiction?
- Internet Access on Planes: Gone Before It Got Here?
⬆️ (It’s weird to think of it, but in-flight Wi-Fi existed, went away, and then came back.) - Seeya, AOL
⬆️ (Just recently, I regained access to the AOL email address I lost when I canceled the service—of course, they’d long ago deleted all my ancient email.) - Land Rover Spams My Phone in Times Square
⬆️ (I’m surprised this was technically possible, let alone something a large company would do.) - The End of the Gates Era
- Firefox Market Share: On the Rise Again?
- New Yahoo Photos: Flickr For the Rest of Us?
⬆️ (I may not quite have realized at the time how silly it was for Yahoo to launch a new next-generation photo-sharing app when it already owned Flickr.) - Which PC World Cover Would You Buy?
⬆️ (PC World was a little obsessive about its research, but I forgot I shared some of the sausage-making in public in this post.) - Google Spreadsheets: Very Basic, Pretty Interesting
- Google Spreadsheets: Apparently Imminent
- Windows in Mac OS X: Living With Parallels RC2
⬆️ (This is one of the few posts here I specifically remember writing.) - Comet Cursor Controversy
⬆️ (We called Comet Cursor one of the worst products of all time, which was true but offended its creator; trying to be fair, I let him have his say here.)
- What If Microsoft Buys eBay?
⬆️ (What if it doesn’t—which, frankly, I’d prefer?) - The 10 Biggest PC World Hits of All Time
- Windows Media Photo: Microsoft’s JPEG Killer?
- Video Highlights: Bill Gates’ WinHEC Keynote
- End of an Era: No More Apple PowerBooks
- MacBook Speed Tests: Pretty Good!
- Finally, Dells With AMD Inside
- A Few More Random Notes on the MacBook
- Hands On With Apple’s New MacBook…With Windows!
- First Impressions: Yahoo’s Fresh New Look
- Free Skype Calls to Landlines and Cell Phones
- Latest Treo: The Palm OS Phone We’ve Waited For?
- E3: The Flying Toaster is Baaaaaack
- E3: The Art of the Videogame?
- E3 Entertainment: Poker, Scarface, Cars
- E3: An Interactive Look at Videogame History
- Alienware Does an iMac-Style All-in-One
- An Interesting Week Ahead
- Corel Buys WinZip
- Skype Unveils Version 2.5
- Further Windows Vista Delay? Bring It On!
- iTunes Songs Stay at 99 Cents
- Windows Genuine Advantage: Genuinely Annoying
⬆️ (I’m seething with rage even now as I think back to Microsoft’s error-prone “Windows Genuine Advantage” copy protection.) - Firefox Flicks: And the Winners Are…
- SketchUp: Google’s Latest Cool Free Download
- How to Get Yahoo’s Next-Generation Webmail
⬆️ (Let the record show that Yahoo Mail, using technology from an acquistion called Oddpost, once had one of the first web apps that just felt like a good desktop app.) - Is Google Promoting Firefox Today?
- New From Yahoo: Free DVR Software
- Draft-N Wi-Fi: Does Anybody Need It?
- Scott McNealy Steps Down at Sun
- Apple Intros a 17-Inch MacBook Pro
- Sites to IE Users: Drop Dead!
- Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft in China
- Now on Sale: Macs With OS X and Windows
- Three Products That Just Work
- When Automatic Updates Mean Automatic Trouble
- TiVo: No Lifetime Service For You!
⬆️ (My memory is that I did get “lifetime” service on this TiVo, and several others thereafter.) - Origami Demo: Oops!
- Will Your PC Get Vista’s Best Graphics?
- The Beatles to (Finally) Go Digital?
- Google Does an Online Calendar
- Hey, a Customer Support Success Story!
- ABC Puts TV Shows Online For Free
- Like Gadgets? Check Out Digital World
- Top Reasons to Run Windows on a Mac…or Not!
- Parallels: A Better Way to Run Windows on a Mac?
- Our First Look at Boot Camp
- More Questions About Apple’s Boot Camp
- Apple Helps You Install Windows on a Mac
- Should Microsoft Buy Apple?
⬆️ (No.) - MindSpring is Back…Sort Of
- Once Again, Apple vs. the Music Companies
- Google Does Word Processing
- ⬆️ (Google buying Writely gave us Google Docs, which eventually gave us Google taking on all of Microsoft Office.)
- The Return (Gasp!) of Microsoft Bob
⬆️ (I later wrote a much, much longer article about Bob.) - Get Into a New Music Service’s Private Beta
⬆️ (La La began as a CD-trading service, then morphed into a great pre-Spotify music-streaming app—but Apple bought it and killed it before it ever launched.) - Nine Thoughts About the Current Windows Vista Beta
- Could a Patent Kill Your Favorite Gadget?
- Apple’s Newest Stuff: Intel Mini, iPod Hi-Fi, Cases
- Last Call for Apple Announcement Speculation!
⬆️ (I can’t believe that covering tech once involved the opportunity to go see Steve Jobs explain new products on such a regular basis.) - Can’t Plug in Your Laptop in This Airport, Sir
- RadioShack Rants
- Hey, Google News is Suddenly Speaking Italian!
- Windows Vista Versions Unveiled
- Can You Read This?
⬆️ (Apparently I didn’t yet know these were called CAPTCHAs.) - iTunes Mystery: Where Do the Pennies Go?
- Genius Bar: Mac Healed, Mission Accomplished
- Google Does Payments
- Waiting For a Mac Genius
- Google’s Latest: Page Creator
- Google Web Page Creator?
- “Will You Please Autograph My iPod?”
⬆️ (After writing about Burt Bacharach signing my iPod, I later got it signed by Petula Clark, and soon thereafter retired it from service; I still own it, of course.) - Another Nifty Browser-Based Word Processor
- Hey! That’s Some Stranger’s Music in My iTunes!
⬆️ (I think the bizarre experience I wrote about here was an artifact of the days when using the internet at hotels often involved plugging into ethernet.) - Happy Sixtieth Birthday, ENIAC
- One Thing You Can’t Do Online: Cancel!
- Songbird: Open-Source iTunes Killer?
- More DEMO: New Photo Sharing Stuff
- More DEMO: Kaboodle’s shopping-research assistant
- More DEMO: Kosmix’s Category-Specific Search
- More DEMO: VOIP Stuff
- Riya’s Amazing Face-Recognition Photo Search
- High-Tech Ice Cream Dispenser
- A Couple of Candid Shots of Pleo the Dinosaur
- More DEMO: An Extremely Cool Dinorobot
- More DEMO: Digismart, Accomplice, Freepath
- Live From DEMO
- iPod Accessories, iPod Accessories Everywhere
- Hands On With Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 7 Beta
- A Better Way to Find Podcasts
- Disney-Pixar: Steve Jobs in Hollywood
- Opera on Your Phone For Free
- Google News: Finally Out of Beta, Pretty Much!
- BlackBerry Blackout?
- Buy an iPod From a Vending Machine
- Should Search Engines Hand Over Data to the Feds?
- Macworld on the Intel iMac
- Firefox 2.0: Coming Next Month?
- Hmmm, Someone Seems to Be Borrowing My Identity
- More Evidence of the Death of Film Photography
- No Windows XP on an Intel Mac After All
- Quick Thoughts on the Intel Macs
- Macworld Expo Keynote: The End
- Macworld Expo Keynote: New MacBook Pro Notebook
- More Macworld Expo Keynote: Intel iMacs
- More Macworld Expo Keynote: iWeb and iWork
- More Macworld Expo Keynote: iLife ’06
- Macworld Expo Keynote, Part I
- Let the Macworld Expo Blogging Begin
- Last Call For Pre-Macworld Expo Speculation
- Las Vegas Airport: A Decent Place to Blog From
- This Portable Mouse is Flat-Out Unusual
- iRiver’s Cool Korea-Only Media Handhelds
- It’s a Projector! It’s an Aromatherapy Machine!
- PCW at the 2006 Consumer Electronics Show
- GoToMyPC 5.0: Faster, Easier, More Colorful
- Fifty Years of Great Gadgets
⬆️ (A promo for what may have been the first of a series of PC World lists that did incredible traffic for us.) - ReplayTV Exits the Hardware Business
⬆️ (ReplayTV–founded by Anthony Wood, later of Roku–is still one of my favorite products of all time.) - These Audio Books Don’t Need a Player
- Okay, Maybe No Google-Opera Deal After All
⬆️ (See, I told you so.) - Is Google About to Buy Opera?
⬆️ (No, Google is not about to buy Opera.) - Yahoo Widgets Hits the Big 3.0
- The Straight Story on PC Reliability and Service
- The Wide, Weird World of Glide
⬆️ (One of the more ambitiously odd products I’ve ever written about: “Describing Glide is practically impossible.”) - It’s Yahoo Mail! It’s an RSS Reader!
- Arriving on Tuesday: Firefox’s 1.5 Browser
⬆️ (Having eventually adopted a “rapid release” updating system, Firefox is on version 129 as I write this in August 2024.) - Have You Sold Anything Online?
- iPod Cases…and Shirts and Pants
- PC World’s 1984 Article on Windows
⬆️ (As Windows turned 20, I reprinted an early PC World article about it.) - More Windows 1.0 Nostalgia
- AT&T;: It’s Baaaaaaaaaaaaack!
- A Very Special Celebration of Windows’ 20th Anniversary
- Apple Rumors: Intel iBooks, Tiny iPods, Tiered iTunes
- Google Base is Live
⬆️ (This online database was only around until 2010, whereupon it somehow morphed into something called Google Merchant Center.) - Would You Use a Free, Ad-Supported Windows?
- Full Text of Microsoft Documents
- Yahoo Meets TiVo
- Yahoo’s Slick New Maps
- Windows Vista: Death to Menus?
- Is OpenOffice.org Bloatware?
- More Proof That Google Isn’t Perfect
- Seriously Stylin’ Squeezebox
- VideoEgg: Hassle-Free Video Blogging
⬆️ (Weirdly, this video-uploading startup later morphed into Say Media, a would-be media empire and the publisher of sites such as ReadWriteWeb.) - Building a Better Browser: Flock Has Landed
- Are You Still Using CDs?
- GameTap: Nirvana For Retro Game Fans?
- Your Windows Vista Wish Lists
⬆️ (Windows Vista was a terrible operating system, but great fodder for tech bloggers.) - RealPlayer’s Really Annoying Legacy
- More Random Musings on More Apple Products
- Apple: Video iPod, TV Downloads, New iMacs
⬆️ (I believe this was the Apple event at which my cellular connectivity was fine before and after the event, but mysteriously unavailable during it. At the time, Apple didn’t provide Wi-Fi and actively discouraged liveblogging, which led me to wonder if they’d employed some sort of secret cell-phone-blocking technology.) - Last Call for Apple Announcement Speculation
- Opera: It’s Getting More Popular, Too
- Real Networks vs. Microsoft: It’s Over
- Finally, Commodore Launches a Music Store!
- Google Does a Feed Reader
⬆️ (Google Reader, best remembered today for being killed in 2013.) - Are You Using RSS and Podcasts?
- Another Theory on Next Week’s Apple Event
- Hey, Let’s Speculate Idly on Apple’s Next Announcement!
- Google-Sun Webcast: No Google Office Today
- The Google Office I’d Go For
⬆️ (Musings on what eventually came to be and is now called Google Workplace.) - More on Office 12 and PDF
- Office 12 to Export to PDF
- Arrrgh! I Lost My iPod!
⬆️ (I remembered losing an iPod on a trip, but had forgotten the exact circumatances.) - New StarOffice Suite Available Today
- Palm and Microsoft on the Windows Mobile Treo
- Still More Palm-Microsoft-Verizon
- More Palm-Microsoft-Verizon
- Palm-Microsoft-Verizon Report #3
⬆️ (I’m not sure whether I forgot to write a Palm-Microsoft Report #3 or it disappeared at some point in the last 19 years.) - Palm-Microsoft-Verizon: Live Report #1
- Live From the Palm-Microsoft Announcement
- Eight Questions About Palm’s Windows Treo
- Coming On Monday (Probably!): A Windows-Based Treo
⬆️ (Palm introducing a Windows Mobile-based PDA was one of the most disillusioning moments in tech history.) - Windows Mobile on a Treo
- Death of a Mascot: Ask Jeeves Axes Jeeves
- Yup–Free Wi-Fi From Google
- Neat Phone, Even Neater Keyboard
- New Products at DEMOfall
- Internet Radio on a Real Radio
- The Most Interesting Company in Search
- Acer’s Tablet PC With(out) a Twist
- AOL+MSN=???
- TiVo’s New Copy Protection
- Microsoft Office 12’s Radical New Look
- A Quick Look at the Firefox 1.5 Beta
- Hands on With the iPod Nano and the ROKR Phone
- Random Musings on Apple’s iPod Nano
- The Apple iPod Nano: “1000 Songs. Impossibly Small.”
- More on Apple’s iPod Nano
- More Apple News: The iPod Nano
- More on the iTunes Phone
- The iTunes Phone: The Motorola Rockr
⬆️ (My claim to fame is being present for this moment, which became legendary for being so irrelevant.) - Yo Yo, Madonna, and Harry
- Live From Apple’s Big (?) Announcement
- What’s Up Apple’s Sleeve?
⬆️ (I’d forgotten that I liveblogged Steve Jobs’ introduction of the iPod Nano—one of his best Stevenotes—from my Treo smartphone and a folding keyboard.) - A Month Without Microsoft Office
- What Google Cannot Index, It Will Destroy
- A Cool Mac Subnotebook…From Sony?
- OK, Google…Now What? Five Products That Might Be
⬆️ (This was really the Golden Age of Google Product Launches.) - Palm and PalmSource…Together Again?
⬆️ (Man, Palm wasted a lot of energy breaking up and then reassembling itself.) - RIP, Rio: A Digital Music Pioneer Dies
⬆️ (A paean to my first MP3 player.) - Famous Tech Quotes That Weren’t
- First Impressions: Google Talk
- Yep, Google Is Doing IM and VoIP
- Dell vs. the Blogosphere: Round 2
- Hands On With Google’s Latest Free Download
- Flaky DRM=Bad News for Music Fans
- IE vs. Firefox: They’re Both Gaining Ground!
- Introducing iMeem
⬆️ (An look at a very early social network, before Facebook was a phenomenon—maybe even before it let you share photos.) - Test-Driving Creative’s Next-Generation Media Player
- Is TiVo Toast?
⬆️ (Sorta—it’s still with us today, but turned out to spend most of its history not living up to its potential.) - Hey, You Got Your Google News in My Yahoo!
- Microsoft Upgrades Messenger for the Mac
- Is Cisco Going to Acquire Nokia?
⬆️ (Nope.) - I’m a Windows Vista User
- Adios, Tapwave: A Neat Handheld Goes Bye-Bye
- PayPal Insecurities
- PC vs. Mac: Desktop Icon Overload
- Another Windows Mystery: The Hidden Hard Drive
- Mysteries of Windows, Part 783
- MSN Virtual Earth: Microsoft Takes on Google
- What Would You Name the Next Windows?
- Today’s “The Customer Is Always Wrong” Culture
- Why Can’t PCs Make Good First Impressions?
- Dell vs. the Blogosphere
- Flickr Captures London’s Mood
- Use a Wireless Network, Get Arrested?
- A Tablet PC Gets Small…Really Small
- Google Earth for the Mac: What Happened?
- Google Toolbar: Finally on Firefox?
- The Annoying World of Notebook Shopping
- More on Microsoft and Claria
- Tablet PC Weirdness on Amazon.com
- Microsoft to Buy Gator Maker?
- AMD Takes On Intel…in Court
- First Impressions: Google’s Amazing Earth
- Search Engines Play at Trivial Pursuit
- Microsoft: RSS Will Be Big in Longhorn
- Well, Maybe No Google PayPal Killer After All
- Would You Trust Google With Your Money?
- In Praise of Digital-Camera Movie Mode
- Would You Buy Mac OS X on a Dell?
- Windows 2000: The OS That Keeps on Ticking
- No More Dead-Tree Newspapers?
- Battle of the Broadband Billboards
- Apple-Intel Predictions: A Scorecard
- Apple-Intel: Watch the Webcast
- Macs to Use Intel Chips: It’s Official
- Apple and Intel: A Few Predictions
- Apple to Use Intel Chips: It’s (Almost) Official
- More Questions About Intel-Based Macs
- Coming on Monday: Intel-Based Macs?
⬆️ (When news broke that Apple might be about to adopt Intel chips—a huge story at the time—I got into a blogging groove and did seven posts about it, from dumbfounding rumor to reality.) - And Our Product of the Year is (Drum Roll, Please…)
- Microsoft Office File Formats to Go XML
- Would You Buy a “Windows Mini” PC?
- Yahoo’s New Split-Personality Search Engine
- Greasemonkey: Yet Another Reason to Use Firefox
- Best. Google. Tool. Ever.
- A Guided Tour of Google’s Personalized Home Page
- This HP Notebook Helps Cancer Survivors
- Ten Things I Didn’t Know About Google
- Netflix Gobbles Up Wal-Mart DVD Rental
- Sony’s Much Smaller, Relatively Cheap HD Camcorder
- More on That German Spam-Spawning Worm
- The Mystery of the Right-Wing German Spam
- Microsoft Flight Simulator: 25 Years and Counting
- Internet Explorer Usage Slips Below 90 Percent
- Are Wi-Fi Hot Spots an Endangered Species?
- 2GB of Free E-Mail From AOL Instant Messenger
- Google: Gone For Fifteen Minutes
- Arrrgh! I Left My Notebook at Airport Security!
⬆️ (Remarkably, they Fedexed it back to me.) - Install Windows x64, Void Your PC Warranty?
- The Seattle Times Likes Our New TV Show
- One High-Def DVD Format to Rule Them All?
- My Treo 650 is Driving My Coworkers Crazy!
- More Evidence the Web Isn’t Perfect
- Adobe Buys Macromedia: Good News or Bad?
⬆️ (2024 update: Bad news, I’d say.) - Prince Harry: Technologically Illiterate?
- Attention Firefox Users: New Security Fix
- PC World’s Digital Duo is Online
- Comcast Users: Have You Had Problems This Week?
- Debuting Today: PC World Info Centers
- A Small Victory in the War Against Phishers
- Random Notes on Satellite Radio
- Satellite Radio: Really Big, Surprisingly Fast
- Windows Security: Still Patchy, With or Without SP2
- Microsoft vs. the Phishers
- Talk About Your Deceptive Web Ads!
- Do You Want a Media Player-less Windows XP?
- Are You Watching HDTV?
- Bye-Bye Ofoto, Hello Kodak EasyShare Gallery
- A Gigabyte of Free E-Mail Space From Yahoo
- Windows Mysteries: Programs You Can’t Kill
- PC World Wins an Award!
- Coming Soon to a TV Near You: PC World’s Digital Duo
- Pac-Man and Space Invaders in…Excel?!?
- New Squeezebox Networked Music Player
- The Longest Beta on Record?
- Google Desktop Redux
- The World’s Worst Security Measures
- A Computing Pioneer Passes On
⬆️ (That pioneer was Jef Raskin, and I’m happy to say I just dug around and found the email he sent me in 1999.) - Latest Browser Download: Opera 8 Beta 2
- Windows Installation Mysteries
- AppleTiVo?
⬆️ (No, Apple didn’t buy TiVo–though I guess it still could.) - Best, Worst, and Weirdest of the Digital Photo Show
- How Long Will That Digital Photo Print Last?
- Your Photo on a Blanket or Pillow
- Sony’s Cameras–and Its Robot
- Fujifilm’s Slick Deck-of-Cards Camera
- Olympus’s No-PC Photo System
- Sleek and Sexy Seven-Megapixel Cameras
- Coming This Weekend: Digital Cameras Galore
- Microsoft Decides We Need a New IE After All
- Xandros: A Linux for Windows Users
- Become.com: Like Google for Shopping?
- More Good News for Firefox Users
- PCs: The Tuna Fish of Tech?
- Donkey Kong Lives!
- More Cell-Phone Service Bizarreness
- The Bizarre and Unpleasant World of Cell Phone Services
- Napster vs. iTunes: Rent Your Music, or Buy It?
- Write a Worm, Go to Jail
- Video: The Next Big Thing in Searching?
- Firefox: Browser on a Roll
⬆️ (I really had fun covering Firefox in its early days, and nagged PC World into being all over it in general.) - Apple’s New Stuff: We Test the Mac Mini and iPod Shuffle
- Slimmer, Smarter Software is Just a Download Away
- A Nifty Photo Organizer/Editor–and It’s Free
- The Ultimate Mac mini System
- A Few Thoughts on Apple’s Macworld Expo News
- iPod Shuffle Ads: Already Everywhere
- More Macworld Keynote: iTunes and iPod Shuffle
- More Macworld Expo Keynote Coverage: iWork and the Mac Mini
- More Macworld Expo Keynote Coverage: iLife, Part Deux
- More Macworld Expo Keynote Coverage: iChat and iLife
- Live (Almost!) From Steve Jobs’ Macworld Expo Keynote
⬆️ (My first liveblog of a Steve Jobs keynote.) - Sling Your TV Across the Internet
⬆️ (For some reason I didn’t mention here that the Slingbox demonstration I got—by Sling cofounder Blake Krikorian, who died far too young—was one of the best product demos I’d ever gotten of anything by anyone.) - Watch Out, TiVo! Better DVRs for 2005
- Little Hard Drive Audio Players Do Photos
- A TV That’s Not Hard to Bear
- Eureka! Our Awards for Innovative Products
- This LCD Display is Insaaaaaaane
- CES Starts Today…
- Hey, My TV Just Crashed!
- Microsoft’s Passport Expires
- A Mac for Under $500?
- Coming Next Week: The Biggest (Gadget) Show on Earth
- That Other Browser Alternative Gets an Update
- Google Desktop Search: Still Controversial
- The IPod-Computer Hard-Drive Size Conundrum
- A Simple, Free Word Alternative
- One Browser, One Set of Bookmarks: Wonderful
- The Post-IBM PC Era?
- Test Driving the Nifty Go-Anywhere MyFi Satellite Radio
⬆️ (Man, I loved the MyFi, which was more or less pocketable and let me listen to satellite radio while riding my bike.)
- A Free Archive of Software Golden Oldies
- A Top Mac Feature Comes to Windows
- PC World Wins Some Awards!
- Yahoo! More Yahoo Mail Storage
- Browser Wars: The View From Microsoft
- A Konfabulous Utility
- A Look at the Dawn of PC Communications
- Is a Microsoftreo 650 on the Way?
- Photo IPods Are Here
- I Want the Treo 650!
⬆️ (I bought one and still own it.) - Robots, Robots, Robots
- WorldBench on the Web
- Google’s Desktop Search: First Impressions
- CorelDraw Meets Paint Shop
- Satellite Radio Without the Satellite
- Digital Entertainment Anywhere
- Microsoft’s Big Movie & Music Event
⬆️ (This seems to be the first time I ever tried my hand at liveblogging an event.) - Photo IPod for Xmas?
- HP’s Cheap-Ink Inkjet
- Live from TECHXNY
⬆️ (Another New York tech show—the former PC Expo—I’d completely forgotten about.) - PalmOne’s Unforgettable New PDA
⬆️ (In retrospect, it’s incredible to remember that early PDAs were at risk of losing all your data if the battery ran out.)
- Microsoft and Amazon Go After Phishers
- Laplink Lives!
- Would You Buy “Windows Light?”
- SoundBridge: Music Streaming Done (Mostly) Right
- Browsing a la Google?
⬆️ (It took another four years for Google to actually release a web browser.) - Sony and MP3…Together at Last?
- Google News Goof-Up
- Amazon’s Inventive Search Engine
- MusicMatch Matches Up With Yahoo
⬆️ (MusicMatch was a great piece of software; I forgot its demise involved being bought by Yahoo.) - Finally, Less Spam?
- Pocket Express for More Pockets
- Cell Phones Get Touchier
- Microsoft’s SPOT Technology…Lives?
- Scan an Ad With a Camera Phone
- The Phone as Social Computer
- Live From DemoMobile
- Dual Core: Coming to a CPU Near You
- Stomp Out PC Annoyances!
- Enter Our New Digital World
⬆️ (As part of our Digital World launch, I personally negotiated the purchase of Digital-World.com—though I was always vaguely embarassed by the hyphen.)
World’s Biggest Wireless Hot Spot!
- Cool Tech From Beijing
- Hello from China
- Pac-Man Lives!
- Get in Sync With BeInSync
- Real: Online Music–Half Off!
- EBay Buys Into Craigslist
- Microsoft’s XP SP2 Blocker
- IBM on Windows SP2: Watch Out!
- Windows XP SP2: Ready or Not?
- A Really Mickey Mouse PC
- Windows Service Pack 2 Reviewed
- Linux on a Laptop…and the Desktop
- Danger! A Cool New Handheld
- Get Well, Steve Jobs
- What Price Hotel Broadband?
- Where the Heck is 64-Bit Windows?
- More Blogging the PC World Way
- Microsoft Site for Sale
- IPod vs. iPod
⬆️ (For the longest time, PC World‘s copy department made us call them “IPods,” a mandate I eventually overruled.) - Hey, I Just Bought an IPod!
- New IPods: Exclusive Non-Review!
- Forget Blogs! Here Come Plogs!
- Spammed by the Candidates
- Attention, Bargain Hunters!
- Taking the Digital Album Plunge
⬆️ (I buy two albums from the iTunes Music Store—both of which I can still pull up in Apple Music.) - The Web on the Veepstakes
- An Old, Old-School IPod Case
- Commodore: It’s Baaaaaaaaack!
- Comdex No More
- Tiger Tale
⬆️ (At some point in 2004, I wandered down the wrong aisle at CompUSA and bought an Apple PowerBook on impulse, which had a huge effect on what I thought PC World should be.) - A Busy Day for PC World
⬆️ (I announce Digital World, a short-lived print publication about consumer electronics that our parent, IDG, kind of forced us to produce; we really ought to have invested the money in a website on the same subject.) - Office Alternatives: Office for the Mac
- Hey, Free MP3 Players!
- Several Dozen Excellent Products
- Yahoo Mail: 25 Times the Goodness
- Your Next PC: Unpatched?
- TiVo Gets More Internet Savvy
- Bye Bye, BlackBerry?
- What’s Annoying You These Days?
- How Phishers Made Me Paranoid
- Are PDAs Fixin’ to Die?
- Just What We Needed: Car Bugs & Fixes
- Why Satellite Radio Rocks
- CeBIT Wrap-Up
- More From CeBIT
- CeBIT America: Day 0
- Next Week: Live From New York, It’s CeBIT America
⬆️ (I forgot I attended this extremely forgettable computer trade show, which many not have lasted beyond its first edition.) - Gmail: Free E-Mail for $182.50!
- More on Gmail
- Office Alternatives: WordPerfect Lives!
- You’ve Got Gmail!
⬆️ (I remembered being excited by Gmail, but not that I blogged about it a few weeks after its debut.) - Flipstart: Little Big PC?
⬆️ (Before smartphones really took off, people were really fixated on squeezing Windows onto really tiny devices, an idea that never made sense.) - E3: Nostalgia Rules!
- A Truly Cool UI
- Help Fix Windows!
- No More Microsoft Wi-Fi
- More on OpenOffice.org
- Open for Feedback
(I may be the only person who misses the days when comments were a standard website feature.) - 10-4, Good Wi-Fi
- Hewlett-Packard Visit
- OpenOffice.org: Initial Thoughts
- The Facts About E-Voting
⬆️ (PC World was good about tackling important topics not directly related to PCs without it feeling utterly random, as we did in the article by Paul Boutin I spotlighted here.) - Switching Offices
⬆️ (As an experiment, I tried using several Microsoft Office alternatives. It didn’t stick–or at least I still use Office in 2024 for some stuff.) - Cheap New Palms
⬆️ (PDAs still mattered, but but see above for a June post in which I wondered if they were fixin’ to die.) - JPEG in the Courtroom
- Downloadable Netflix?
⬆️ (You’re telling me that Netflix plans to offer movies over the internet, no discs involved?) - PC World Gets Some Glory
⬆️ (PC World used to win scads of a west coast magazine awards called the Maggies, which I enjoyed in part because it involved going to the awards ceremony in LA.) - Google Backlash
⬆️ (Early-ish controversy over Google, including its monetization of then-new Gmail via keyword scanning.) - Now for Something Completely Frivolous (4/22)
- Me and My Roady
⬆️ (As far as I can tell from the Internet Archive, I didn’t write an introductory blog post—instead, I just dived in with a look at satellite radio, which I loved for a time.)