Posts by Harry McCracken

Behold the lost Technologizer columns

Okay, maybe “lost” is overstating things. Still, I tend to forget about most of the stuff I write the moment I’m done with it. So I certainly don’t have vivid recollections of writing my weekly Technologizer column for, which I did from September 2010 until February 2012.

But when I was freeze-drying the Technologizer website, I created an index of every Technologizer post. It dawned on me that the index was far from complete, because quite a few of the words I wrote under the Technologizer banner were published on, not And at first—before I joined TIME‘s staff— they appeared every Tuesday (later shifted to Thursday) in’s Business section.

Technologizer on TIME wasn’t too different from I probably stuck more consistently to addressing a big, mainstream audience, and tried to cover the big topics of the day: smartphones, tablets, social networking, the evolving PC, and various things that seemed interesting at the time, such as Quora, OnLive, and Blekko. My wonderful editors, Jim Frederick (whom I still can’t believe is gone) and, later, Doug Aamoth, barely touched what I wrote. I think most of the headlines are mine, and nearly all of the topics are—though Jim did ask me to write about a dust-up behind the scenes at TechCrunch. It wouldn’t have occurred to me to cover that, and the piece turned out quite well.

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How to freeze-dry a website

DALL-E 3 gets most of the credit (or blame?) for this.

It hardly seems possible that it’s been nearly sixteen years since I pressed publish on my first Technologizer post. Back then, the iPhone had been on sale for less than a year. Android phones, Chrome, Bitcoin, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Oculus, and the iPad didn’t exist yet. The current version of Windows was Vista, Circuit City and CompUSA were still in business, and Elon Musk was not yet CEO of Tesla, let alone Twitter.

Another thing that’s happened since 2008 is that the some of the software I used to build the site—and later to update it—have long since tumbled into the abyss of obsolesence. It’s not just that the WordPress theme I chose and customized in 2008 no longer works with modern versions of PHP. Even the more modern one I used for new posts from 2014 onward won’t.

My webhost has been letting me use an ancient version of PHP, but they now charge me a monthly fee for the privilege and their dunning letters have grown only more urgent. Along with knowing my themes were obsolete, I also grew worried that the site’s many venerable plugins might stop working, which led me to put off critical WordPress updates.

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